Story Behind the Shot

Britt Lightning @ M3 Rock Festival - May 5, 2019


Britt: This shot was taken in the backstage lobby of the Merriweather Post Pavilion before Vixen’s set at the M3 Festival. The girls in the band and I had been getting ready and doing makeup etc. upstairs in our dressing room before our set, and Vince was casually taking candid shots. The runner delivered a bottle of Gentlemen’s Jack and I started opening the bottle. Out of the blue Vince looked at me and said, “Hey, let’s go downstairs and shoot in the lobby!” Immediately I felt self-conscious and said, “But there’s so many people hanging out there…” Vince replies, “I know! That’s what’s cool! We’ll make a scene, it will be awesome!” So I took a swig out of the bottle and brought it with my guitar down the stairs following Vince into the lobby. Despite being social, I’m not someone who likes to be the center of attention or anything, so I was a little uneasy, especially because other members of bands were there eating their catering and talking. Vince reminded me to ignore the surroundings and try to just connect to him and the camera and be in the moment. It was a little distracting as other people were taking out their cameras and shooting their own photos of the shoot we were doing and some people were asking me if they could take a shot of the Jack Daniels, but we got it done! It turned out to be really fun and different for me. This photo is one of my favorite shots. Vince is creative, spontaneous and a pleasure to work with and I will always recommend him and call him if I need to get a certain shot. Thank you Vince, you are a true pro!